1 Courses Required

This course provides middle school science teachers with the skills and knowledge to guide 2 their students through a scientific investigation using structured inquiry to determine the presence or absence of invasive Aedes mosquitoes around students’ homes. Teachers will implement Operation Mosquito G.R.I.D. (Growth Reduction, Increased Detection) citizen science program in their classrooms and share student results with the San Gabriel Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District (SGVMVCD) and the public by November 30th. In doing so, middle school students can contribute real-world data and address a significant public health threat in their communities. This course will cover mosquito biology, mosquito species of public health significance in southern California, climate change and the impact on invasive mosquito vectors, the implications for vector-borne disease distribution, and the impact of invasive Aedes on human behavior. Operation Mosquito G.R.I.D. employs effective and ecologically sensitive habitat modification to control mosquito populations in neighborhoods through civic engagement. Science standards addressed include Grade 6 MS-LS1.B, Grade 7 MS-LS2.A, Grade 8 MS-LS4.B and 4.C. An optional student activity addresses Common Core Standards RST.6-8.1-9 as students present their findings to our agency in scientific journal format. Our agency will feature the winning entry in our EcoHealth blog and on our social media.

Required books, readings, software, etc.:
Optional books, readings, software, etc.:
  • San Gabriel Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District. (2021). Journey of the Germ (PC version) [Video game]. Robot Sea Monster.

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